Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Declarative opt-in for cross-document navigations (#8048)

I think the idea is that if you have

@media (view-transition-group: refreshing) and (prefers-reduce-motion: no-preference) {

then _either_ `startViewTransition(type: "refreshing")` or `@view-transition :reload { view-transition-group: refreshing }` can trigger that media query.

I'm not convinced that this is a strong reason to avoid having a specific `@media (navigation-type: reload)` though, because you can likely combine that with `view-transition-group` that would only come from script.

I do see the advantage of `@media (navigation-type: foo)` as compared to `@navigation foo` since you can compose the former with other media queries

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