Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Declarative opt-in for cross-document navigations (#8048)

As I understand it, the point of the `@view-transition` rule as it was initially proposed is to configure _under which conditions_ view transitions should be triggered.

It does _not_ cover different view transitions based on those conditions. If there should be different transitions for different conditions, we need a separate feature to detect that.

New media features lend themselves to target this use case. Though _if_ we go that route, I'd suggest to keep them general and only bind them to navigation, not view transitions specifically.

So we'd introduce media features like `navigation-type: [ reload | push ]`, `navigation-origin: [ same-origin | cross-origin ]` (plus maybe URL patterns) and `navigation-mechanism: [ interaction | api ]`.

So a media query could then look like this:

@media (navigation-type: reload) or (navigation-origin: cross-origin) {



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