Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Declarative opt-in for cross-document navigations (#8048)

> ```css
> /* UA stylesheet */
> @view-transitions :reload {
>   navigation-trigger: none;
> }
> @view-transitions {
>   navigation-trigger: none;
> }
> /* user stylesheet: this would enable cross-document VT but *not* reload, due to specificity  */
> @view-transitions {
>   navigation-trigger: cross-document;
> }
> /* user stylesheet: this would enable cross-document VT on reload  */
> @view-transitions :reload {
>   navigation-trigger: cross-document;
> }
> ```

I find this syntax is **very** confusing. It looks like state is added, yet the descriptors inside it apply when the state is no longer active? Tacking those states onto the `@view-transition` rule seems like the wrong place to do so.

Take `:reload` for example:
- This is only active while the page is reloading
- This is a state of the page, not the view transitions itself

The first rule in the block above for example can be interpreted in various ways:
1. While the page is doing a view transition triggered by a reload, don’t allow any other triggers?
2. If the page got reloaded, don’t allow any other triggers
3. If the page got reloaded, don’t do a transition while it is reloading.
4. …

I assume the third is what is meant, but I find the proposed syntax not to reflect this. 


Rewinding back to [what was proposed and refined here]( the idea of the `@view-transitions` rule is only to **configure things**, not to respond to things.

You can still respond to various ways of how the view transition was invoked, but that’s not the responsibility of the `@view-transitions` rule. To respond to the type of navigations, something separate could cover that, e.g. an `@media` rule:

/* 1. VT Configuration */
/* Allow these types of triggers */
@view-transitions {
  transition-trigger: cross-document-same-origin-navigation reload script;

/* Disable VTs alltogether when the user does not want it */
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
  @view-transitions {
    transition-trigger: none;

/* 2. Tweak the VTs in response to the type of navigation */
/* User has reloaded the page */
@media(navigation-type: reload) {
  ::view-transition-old(root) {
    display: none;
  ::view-transition-new(root) {
    animation-name: fade-in;

/* Apply a certain type of animation when navigation from the article detail page to the articles overview page */
@media (navigation: from --article to --articles) {
  ::view-transition-old(content) {
    animation-name: slide-out-to-right;
  ::view-transition-new(content) {
    animation-name: slide-in-from-left;

/* Etc. */

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