Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-6] `contrast-color()` MVP in Level 5 (#9166)

To be clearer about what I'm proposing vs what @LeaVerou suggested: 

I don't think we should specify white/black text or anything else about how the algorithm for contrast should work, except that it should always be better than WCAG 2.1 requires. It seems like the existing resolution may already be good enough to get started on that? (I'm not sure, I could definitely be reading it wrong? Especially the candidates part.)

> RESOLVED: We have an **unspecified default**, the best available **to the
> UA**, which gets **updated**

Our goal is maximizing readability and that is a nuanced question as I can see from the _many_ open issues on this. We will undoubtedly want to add more to the algorithm over time, and if we go with white/black, I don't see a path to reducing the contrast later, even if it still meets WCAG 2.1. If we leave it up to the UA (for now), we can experiment towards maximum readability and good contrast without an artificial constraint imposed by any particular existing algorithm, other than the floor, provided by WCAG 2.1.

@LeaVerou What syntax that would leave open the possibility of adding additional arguments to this function in the future? Perhaps a basic function that just takes in a color and returns another. Could we later add additional optional parameters to the function when we know more about where author control could be helpful?

I'd like to take all the ideas that have come through so far, and start experimenting with them in the UA, for the moment with the non-color expert author in mind. I realize that could feel like relinquishing a lot of control to the UA, but what I really mean is that I'd like for us to partner in a tight loop to improve the UA algorithm together. I think the v0 we would ship would look a lot like what @LeaVerou proposed. I'm suggesting we wait to put it into a spec until we feel confident that we've done everything we can in the UA to have good outcomes for users needing contrast, even when sites are built by authors who don't understand color. 

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