Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-align-3][css-position-3] Better interaction of auto insets and self-alignment properties? (#9124)

> FWIW, here's a testcase showing what non-default `align-self/justify-self` currently does, for several children of a grid

Here's a flex version, which notably needs to use `justify-content: center` rather than `justify-self` to align the abspos thing, since `justify-content` is the way to center stuff in a flex container's main axis (even an abspos child).  (Gecko/WebKit/Blink all respect `justify-content: center` for centering the static position of an abspos flex child, and they all ignore `justify-self: center`.)

So we might need to generalize the proposal so that non-default `justify-content` on a flex container will also activate the new special behavior (whatever that behavior is) for its abspos children, I think?  (so that that situation gets the same treatment as the analogous situation with non-default `justify-self` on an abspos grid child).

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