Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] random() function (#2826)

CSS random capability would bring a new superpower to all of the following for a start:

- Colour/hue/lightness/saturation for session/element/hover
- Transforms Rotation/scale/skew/translate
- Filters blur/contrast/grayscle/invert/opacity/saturate/brightness
- Shadows
- Positioning/Layering
- Animations
- Transitions
- Styling SVG

I think the possibilities are infinite. Some random ideas for pages and SVGs:

- Background tiles that sometimes light up/react on hover
- Confetti particles, explosion particles, flowing water particles etc.
- Patterns with random sized/spaced/etc. elements
- Random particle activations over a long duration of time
- Pseudo element content random quotes like on Minecraft titlescreen
- Sun at random position on page with accompanying shadows on objects
- Trees with random branch/foliage configurations
- Boat sails that blow in random wind directions
- Server rack with random blinking lights
- Sauce/onion placement on a decorative hot dog for a hot dog space launch calculator application

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