Re: [csswg-drafts] [scroll-animations] Broader scope of scroll timelines (#7759)

> this seems to bring us back to "property is annoyingly just ignored" without a fundamental improvement over the existing -attachment?

It's not at all unusual for a property to turn another property on or off (even several, if they're all linked), by making whatever those properties are doing irrelevant. (`display` is the most obvious example, turning on or off a bunch of layout-specific properties.) We also have a number of examples of two closely-linked properties affecting each other's interpretation (so the `local | ancestor` keywords in `-attachment` changing the `-name` value from creation to lookup isn't too unusual), tho we do limit this sort of thing when possible, and instead try to localize behaviors inside a single property.

What's unusual is one property affecting *several disparate properties* in distinct ways, so they get interpreted significantly differently. That's what the current spec for `-attachment` does - depending on its value, it turns `-axis` on or off *and* twiddles the creation/lookup behavior of `-name`, and enables three of the four possible combinations of those two distinct behaviors. That's a step further of complexity/indirection than we usually allow for in property designs; we usually try to keep things as linear as possible in their linkages.

> Minor note: view-timeline actually doesn't accept view-timeline-inset at all.

Oh funky, why not?

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