Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text] Need additional value of word-break for Korean (#4285)

Pending the i18n investigation, I'm seeing three ways forward here:

- **Option 1: Do nothing.**
- **Option 2: Add `keep-hangul` to `word-break`.** And follow this same break-*/keep-* pattern if we have a few other cases to address.
- **Option 3: Add generic `keep(<scriptname>+)` and `break(<scriptname>+)` functions to `word-break`.** These would diff against the `normal` baseline behavior.

Recap: The fundamental behavior of `word-break` is to switch certain Letters from behaving like CJK (`break` behavior) to behaving like Latin (`keep` behavior) or vice versa: `break-all` applies break behavior to *all* letters, and `keep-all` applies keep behavior to *all* letters. The proposal here is, essentially, to allow subsetting the switch to Hangul.

IMHO: If there aren't use cases for more than one or two values in `break()` and `keep()`, then we are imho better off with the one-off keywords, provided they consistently follow the behavior and syntax pattern that we would use for `break()` and `keep()` (which we should comment into the spec for future us).

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