Re: [csswg-drafts] [scroll-animations-1] Require <dashed-ident> for timeline names (#8746)

No, we use dashed-ident in a few places, like custom color space names. We do have a bunch of custom names that predate the dashed-ident technology, tho, so our consistency isn't great.

> As you raised this, is the intention here to use <dashed-ident> for name-things across all upcoming/future specs from now on?

In general, yes. We don't want another repeat of the 'animation' shorthand fiasco. A plain custom-ident is fine *if* it's positionally fixed (requiring to go first, for example); if it can be mixed arbitrarily, as is usually the case in CSS, we really want to shift those to dashed-ident to avoid compat pain.

(And, anecdotally, it seems many people find it nice to have the dashed-ident in a complex value, as it makes it easy to pick out from the CSS-defined keywords at a glance.)

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