Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Problem with mixing properties and selectors (#8249)

OK, here’s where I think we should move subtopics from this issue:

**Issues with error-recovery**

**Restrictions on future-syntax**

**Using SASS-like syntax, but not matching some SASS behavior**
This has been discussed in a few issues like [2937]( and [3748](, where we have decided for the most part not to worry about this. If anyone is still concerned with the differences, please open a new issue.

**Parsing changes are risky**

**Unintuitive cascading behavior when declarations come after rules**
We have gone back and forth a few times on whether we should allow declarations after rules, and if we do how do we handle them (in the cascade and in CSSOM). I have not found a single issue that seems like an apt place to continue this discussion, so I think we should have a new issue on this.

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