Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Problem with mixing properties and selectors (#8249)

Two clarifications:
1) The cascading behavior is an issue for either an at-rule or the SASS-style approach, so it shouldn't be part of the consideration here (I think). All of the other issues go away entirely with an at-rule approach. 
2) The proposal on the table wasn't to "NOT pursue SASS-style syntax" anymore, it was to not *ship* SASS-style syntax *now*. We have the option to ship an at-rule syntax now, and continue to refine the SASS-style approach over time, and then ship that when we feel it's ready. That effectively just makes the `@nest` prefix optional later (authors who prefer the explicit rule at-rule could still use it).

(And for those not on the call, I don't think any of the issues above individually are show-stoppers, it's just when you consider the complete list of the issues vs the advantages is when I start to have concerns. As with @Loirooriol above, it's not enough for me to object, but it was enough to go hmmm and ask the question.)

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