Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Problem with mixing properties and selectors (#8249)

Summarizing the resolution and discussion:

There are several minor issues with a SASS-style syntax for nesting we have identified so far. They include

Issues with error-recovery
Restrictions on future-syntax
Using SASS-like syntax, but not matching some SASS behavior
Parsing changes are risky
Unintuitive cascading behavior when declarations come after rules

We had consensus in the breakout session that even considering all of these issues together, we still plan on pursuing the SASS-style syntax. Working on solutions to these issues (where possible) will happen in separate issues.

But if there is anyone that was not in the breakout session who finds this set of issues a compelling reason to change course and NOT pursue SASS-style syntax, please do speak up here. And when new issues arise, we should take a moment to add them to what remains in this list as a checkpoint to reconsider whether the mass of minor issues has become too large.

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