Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Problem with mixing properties and selectors (#8249)

> Authors will either ship only nested stylesheets and break their sites for older browsers; ship both, making the user pay unnecessary download costs (violating one of the TAG's ethical principles); or just use a transpiler and ship un-nested stylesheets like they aready do today, and we don't need to bother with the feature.

Even if you could detect support client-side with `@support (@nest)` it does not change this equilibrium. You either ship the code twice, or you don't ship either version at all. Or you ship the legacy one in an `@import` which makes legacy browsers download more and have more latency. There is no way to win, here.

But this is nothing new. Javascript has had breaking syntactic changes all over the years. And, yes, for a while, you have to rely on UA sniffing to decide wether to ship the (shorter) modern code or its desugared version. Authors have been sucessfully doing this for years now. There is little downside to getting this wrong, too. Your site will work in both modes, so at worst you are missing out on saving some network bytes on a browser that does support nesting but you weren't aware of. 

At the current rate at which browsers ship, in less than 5 years, 99.9% of browsers will support nesting natively and you will no longer need the transpiler at all. Just like everyone feels free to use ES5 today.

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