Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Problem with mixing properties and selectors (#8249)

> Yes, your stylesheet will be incredibly broken if you try and use Nesting in an older browser

This is likely true if you blindly refactor an existing stylesheet to use nesting, or try to simply serve an existing SASS stylesheet. However, this 'all-or-nothing' attitude is not *necessary* and breaks with pretty much every other CSS feature ever added. I'm not saying this is an absolute deal-breaker, but it's not something we should YOLO and take lightly.

There are several situations (think small stylesheets in custom elements) where additional nested rules could absolutely be considered progressive enhancement. We are doing a disservice to users if we ignore those use cases.

> The only problem is... / The one case we have to be careful is...

You're making my point for me. I accept that the risk is small, but it's **not** zero. If we use an at-rule, the risk actually **is** zero. Yes, we should factor the risk against the likelihood, but even a small percentage is still a *lot* of web pages as you well know. Furthermore, any risk of conflict is a risk that will narrow future language design choices. My point is that this is a factor and a decision the group should carefully consider, not just blow off because one person thinks it's no big deal. 

This issue (like the others) is likely small enough we can consider it a paper-cut, but paper-cuts add up and eventually the bleeding becomes significant. I'm fine with the WG as a whole deciding to accept theses issues, I'm not fine with being saddled with these issues without even a rational group discussion.

If we had no alternatives, yeah, we should just proceed with look-ahead, but we *do* have alternatives. Let's give them a fair trial and not just ignore them because some people slightly preferred something else way back when before we fully understood all the costs/benefits. That's fair, no?

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