Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Problem with mixing properties and selectors (#8249)

@jensimmons on the call you expressed concern about the "just switch the spec to the new strategy" option, preferring to keep option 3 in level 1 and creating a new level for the lookahead version. I am wondering what we would gain from that.

As far as I understand, the additional syntax requirements in option 3 would still work with the look-ahead approach (they would just no longer be required). So an option 3 implementation would still conform, just not be complete. This seems good to me - ending up with a specification that addresses more concerns than the current draft spec does.

We do at times have to spec a reverse-engineered version of what is required for web compatibility, but this should be a last resort. I do not think we are at that point yet with this very new feature.

Could you go into more detail about your concerns here in the issue before next week’s breakout?

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