Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-pseudo] Define ::backdrop (#7845)

> Each element in the top layer has a ::backdrop pseudo-element, for which it is the originating element.

Just to clarify, this means there is no way whatsoever to reveal a box’s backdrop unless the originating element is in the top layer. 

I’d find this more generic UA default stylesheet interesting:

~~~~ css
::backdrop {
  display: none;
:fullscreen::backdrop {
  display: block;

On the other hand, I’m wondering whether the use case for this pseudo-element couldn‘t have been covered by something like `background-origin: viewport`. 

On the third hand, I would have preferred if backgrounds had been done with pseudo-elements and the `fill` or the `content` property from the start. 

~~~~ css
foo::background(0) {
  content: url("bg.img");
  fill: navy;

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