Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text] 'Punctuation space' handling for non-CJK languages (#8661)

> re interoperability, if we don't require interoperability, I'm a bit worried there will be a problem of one line becoming two lines in different browsers for shorter texts like a label or some button text. But maybe there won't be much difference among browsers and I'm worrying too much.

First, this kind of punctuation space is not very likely to appear in buttons. Second, this kind of resizing happens all the time unless the font in the button is strapped down tight, because of fallback substitutions. Third, we're talking about very small spaces, and (a) if normal spaces have been used the line width should shrink, and (b) if such a small difference causes problems, then the page is not designed well enough to support translation.  So i'm not particularly worried about this.

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