Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-5][css-images-4] Are these features ready to ship? (#7310)

>I will also point out that none of the editors of Color 5 have been in that call, so it seems rather weird that the maturity of our spec was discussed and decided on in our absence. The reasonable thing would have been to punt it until at least ONE editor is on the call.

Nothing was “decided”. I asked because we want to know if the specs are mature enough to start shipping. 

Really it's a two part question:
- For the editors, do you think browsers should start shipping? Or do you know of issues that need to be resolved first? Or edits you've been meaning to make?
- For other implementors — do you have any objections to the current specifications? Anything you want to change or debate further before we all start shipping? 

The only decision here to make (in this issue) is for each browser team to decide if they want to ship now, given the responses to these questions. Or hold for further debate and potential upcoming changes. 

If there are any issues left to debate or resolve, can we do so quickly? Let's remove any blockers, so we can get this technology into the hands of web developers. 

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