Re: [csswg-drafts] Browser zoom unit for accessibility [css-values-and-units] (#6869)

@litherum The timeline of events seems accurate up through here:

> But just because + 1rem is bad doesn't mean that - 1rem is the only other solution. Why not use a function that has typographic hierarchy and is an increasing function? What about + 1rem - 32px?

I’m not sure how this function you propose solves the type hierarchy problem that is resulting in zoom issues. So maybe there is a disconnect here?

> Lastly, I don't understand these graphs at all. The X axis is viewport size and the Y axis is font size, and the problem we're dealing with is a situation where, as viewport size decreases (relative to the size of a pixel), font size can decrease. Except all the functions are strictly increasing functions, so I don't understand which part is the part to be concerned about. Can you explain this sentence more:
> > Anything that matches or is steeper than the slope of that line will result in the font size going down as the browser is zoomed in.

Yes, what you are stating is correct. Maybe the disconnect here is that browser zoom is indistinguishable from resizing the viewport. That is why I put viewport size on the graph and why when the slope is steeper than the grey line you end up with the zoom issue Sara points out in her tweet.

> The blue line is "Typetura / interpolated values" which is a continuous function. Are you presenting this to indicate that the blue line is the desired line? Can we solve this issue by just adding a smoothstep() function to calc()?

No, that is a different issue. I am trying to showcase the various CSS approaches that are all effected by this issue. The blue line is not the desired line on this graph. What I was trying to showcase is that all three of these CSS font sizing approaches (all equally valid for purposes of this zoom issue) have moments where browser zoom will not map to font size zooming, getting to the heart of Sara’s issue outlined in the previous comment.

Hopefully that makes things more clear 😅 

Browser zoom and viewport size are indistinguishable. For typographic hierarchy reasons, one may scale text up dramatically on larger screens. However because zoom effectively scales the viewport down, it can cause confusion for people expecting text to get larger. I am proposing a `zoom` unit to compensate for these zoom issues.

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