Re: [csswg-drafts] For the Accessibility API visibility:visible within visibility:hidden is problematic (#6123)

> That is what I was alluding to earlier when talking about visibility, that some sort of fix up could happen for a11y like it does for CSS. The same sort of fix up should happen if the table row was given some other role, like `role="dialog"`, but the cells still had their cell role. This gets beyond just CSS, but seems like what WCAG and AT and UAs should be working towards,

This already happens for cases where a container accessible is given an incompatible role. For example, if you do this:
`<table role="dialog"><tr><td>hi</td></tr></table>`
Firefox doesn't expose row or cell.

The reason this case is much more complicated is that invisible things don't exist in the a11y tree at all. As I explained in, "fixing" the tree in this case would require some pretty expensive crawling and book keeping.

> rather than just saying we have to keep it a certain way because it's been that way for decades.

If I read you correctly, you're trivialising the concerns here, which seems pretty unreasonable to me. I'm not saying we should keep something the same way forever "just because". I'm saying that there is a great deal of implementation complexity and regression risk associated with this change (as well as unclear behaviour for various edge cases) that doesn't seem to have been taken into consideration. 

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