Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-sizing] Auto-resize iframes based on content (#1771)

Hi folks,

@tabatkins, @chrishtr, and I spent some time working on this offline. We ended up with the explainer at . Summary:

<iframe style="contain-intrinsic-size: from-element 500px 500px"

<!-- In iframe.html --->
<html requestedwidth="480" requestedheight="320">

We did manage to come up with a solution that doesn't require JavaScript in the simplest cases, where the iframe knows specific pixel values for the width and height it requests. But for dynamic resize-to-content, it's quite tricky, as discussed in our section ["But what about auto-resizing?"]( (The basic problem is how it can cause infinite resize loops.) So the initial proposal would require JavaScript to hook up a ResizeObserver or similar and manipulate `document.documentElement.requestedWidth` and `requestedHeight`, [like in this example](

Feedback is welcome, either on that repository if you want to have a more focused discussion on individual aspects of the proposal, or here if you'd prefer that.

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Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 21:55:31 UTC