Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting] Syntax suggestion (#4748)

> My concern here is about (a) learnability and (b) extensibility to other contexts. The more things stick to "standard"/pre-existing CSS syntax constructs, the easier it is to learn and explain; every diversion from the CSS standard practice means another oddity for authors to learn and remember. As well, the more things stick to standard practice, the more likely we can use it in other CSS contexts without having to do anything special; we wouldn't even need to _think_ about mixing it in syntactically, it will Just Work.

To be fair, the closest proposal of all of these to "CSS standard practice" is the one that copies the pattern established by things such as `@keyframes { ... }` and `@media () { ... }`. It's the second proposal in my original post at the very start of the thread. It just adds an extra level of indentation... as do both `@keyframes` and `@media`, really. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯

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