Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-adjust] Re-add `only` to mean "don't auto-adjust me", per WebKit's behavior (#5089)

Another nuance in the original proposal which I want to make sure is captured: we didn't want to write it with the assumption that "light" and "dark" would be the only modes available. It allowed for the UA to have a mode that authors were not aware of, and for content to have modes that a UA did not support. For example, if an author said `color-scheme: light dark` and the UA had a `sepia` mode that was active, we wanted to allow the UA to apply `sepia` (presumably by picking the light mode, and then applying adjustments). `only` was included to allow the. author to preclude the UA from doing any conversions to modes which they had not specifically authored for.

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