Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-pseudo] Proposal: Add `border-radius` to supported `::cue` properties (#6292)

> it's in good hands and will iron out eventually

That'd be good; realistically, I don't think it will iron out unless someone pushes for it who can make it happen.

There are a few things that, in the subtitle and caption domain (and I would guess, other domains too), would depend on defining CSS behaviour for line areas after layout, for example horizontal alignment, adding padding to the ends of the line areas, adjusting the backgrounds so that they don't have gaps between them, and fixing up border rounding. It's not making progress in CSS at the moment.

I realise I'm commenting on a closed ticket, and this may appear to be noise, but it seems like reasonably well targeted noise to me, hence why I'm posting. Happy to have off-GitHub-issue discussions about it too, of course.

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