Re: [csswg-drafts] CSS Regex Selector (#1010)

Sorry to dig this up, I ran into a need for RegEx on and landed here. Could we imagine perhaps a CSS **attribute** selector that accepts a RegEx, instead of a way to match selectors in general? For example:

[data-filters-sections#="(0|9)+"] {
  opacity: 0.5;

/* I hate this example, too */
.col-wide-sm[class#="col-([0-9]|1[0-2])"] {
  width: 100%;

Two things:
- Not sure which symbol works to best represent "Regular Expression". Personally, I like `#=` but I also recognise the very potential confusion with the CSS ID selector. I could also see `/=` as an alternative but that might have been floated for another type of selector so not too sure. I thought about `?=` and while looks very "RegExy", it feels like an optional attribute selector of sorts to me (optional chaining, non-capturing group, etc.), so not too keen on that one.
- Maybe this should be ignored on `[value]` for security reasons, like we've seen people use `[value$="…"]` to grab data from user input. This might be overzealous as a regular expression won't provide the string (until we have a `regex($1)` function for values, ha) and I've not really run into this issue in the past as I usually have a vanilla approach, but I figured I'd point that out.

Once again, sorry about the old issue revival, just wanted to share the idea, and I'm happy to create a new issue if that makes more sense!

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