Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-decor-4] Add 'inset' keyword to text-shadow (#6074)

> I'd like to see the "offset" property that box-shadow has added to text-shadow, as that would allow for some fun multi outline effects.

The x and y offset values are actually the mandatory part of `text-shadow`. E.g. `text-shadow: 2px 2px;` creates a shadow that has a two pixels offset in both directions. Furthermore, `text-shadow` already takes a list of shadows. So `text-shadow: -2px -2px, 2px 2px;` is already valid.

Also note, that [Text Decoration 4 already added a spread radius]( So the only difference to `box-shadow` is currently the `inset` keyword. That's also what I wrote in my initial post.

> There are accessibility concerns here though and the potential for mis use that damages readability...

The readability issues actually already exist right now, depending on how you define the shadow(s). (Take the second example from above.) The `inset` keyword wouldn't change that.


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