Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] appearance: base to enable interoperable styling of controls/components (#5998)

Does using SVG allow more CSS animation than html? Why not use clip path and a background instead?

While I applaud the idea of having standardized stylable component parts in the presence of `appearance: base` (especially for things like file upload controls), I’m not a fan of that being a single design for all eternity. I would rather allow for platforms to vary it somewhat and update in the future, but perhaps sticking to a limited set of properties, so that authors know which ones they will need to overwrite. Or just let the authors use `all: initial`. 

I am also not against using glyphs, even if different platforms have different fonts. They don’t all have to look identical for this proposal of standardized component parts to be valuable. As long as the author can apply a different font, or use `content: ""` and a clipping path and background for that part, then it is just as customizable. 

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