Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color] Discussion of Conflicts & Resolutions: D50/D65, LAB/LUV, ICC/OCIO (#6061)

+1 just for sheer effort. This is well beyond my level, but in terms of whether this sort of CSS could be converted to PDF:
* Lab space in PDF allows specification of white point, so D50/D65 are both possible.
* Excepting ICC profile based colors, any other CIE space is necessarily converted to Lab when converted to PDF. This seems to work well enough for LCH, the process would work as well for Luv. Obviously performance isn't as much of an issue for us as we're not doing it at 30fps.

> Lab is not unbounded

Purely for my education, can you help me understand why this is? Although normally clamped for practical purposes, as far as I'm aware neither _L_, _a_ or _b_ have a theoretical bound, and the transform between Lab and XYZ is lossless, discounting implementation rounding. `lab()` in css-color-4 has a lower bound of 0 on _L_ but that's it. Is that significant? I am most definitely not a color expert, just an engineer. What have I missed?

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