Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts] Add COLRv1 keyword to `<color-font-technology>` production (#6329)

@RoelN wrote:

> I hope there won't be more fragmented versions for color fonts (~four~ five versions are enough I hope)

A very fair point BUT

Two of those are raster formats which were introduced in a rush to get color emoji deployed on handsets. They are on the wrong side of history in my opinion, and are included here for completeness.

One of them is a vector format which does (on the plus side) have hinting but doesn't have much graphical expressivity and has no variable support.

One of them is a vector format which does (on the plus side) have graphical expressivity but doesn't have hinting and has no variable support. I also don't see easy ways to add the missing features.

So (and this may surprise some, given who is saying it) COLRv1 which is vector,  has hinting, has graphical expressivity, and most importantly has variable support is the clear winner on technical grounds and I can't wait to see wider support.

The choice between one color format which does it all and four which don't should be an easy one to make.

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Received on Monday, 7 June 2021 12:15:54 UTC