Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-scoping-1] Specificity of :host, ::slotted, and :host-context doesn't seem to be defined? (#1915)

Here other example. You have some generic styles for headings, paragraph, etc.. to ensure your web looks fine.

I wants component called hero for the home page or a card to list products. The will have a heading inside. I could style this elements because of the generic selector styles.

  <h1>My site is awesome</h1>
  <h2>It use Web Components</h2>

<h2>My products</h2>

      <h1>Product one</h1>
      <p>It use Web Components</p>

Currently, you have to put important in all styles of your component that apply to avoid being apply to the elements inside your components.

If you try to upgrade a legacy proyecto with tons of css your components are very fragile. And `!important` solution gets very bad press among developers.

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