Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-flexbox] min-height section should reference definite sizes instead of mentioning "does not prevent percentage resolution" (#4310)

I've rephrased the paragraph, check it over @cbiesinger?

(First paragraph already existed and is unaltered, just providing it for context since the new phrasing in the second paragraph references it more directly.)

> For the purpose of calculating an intrinsic size of the box
> (e.g. the box’s <a>min-content size</a>),
> a <a>content-based minimum size</a> causes the box’s size in that axis to become indefinite
> (even if e.g. its 'width' property specifies a <a>definite</a> size).
> Note this means that percentages calculated against this size
> will [=behave as auto=].
> For other cases, it does not force the box's size to become indefinite.
> However, if a percentage resolved against the box's size <em>before</em> this minimum was applied,
> it must be re-resolved against the new size after it is applied.

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