Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values]: Express conditional values in a more terse way (#5009)

Whoops. They're definitely supposed to be strings, but "sans-serif" was the wrong choice - let's pretend I wrote "Arial" there. But actually I'm not sure about substituting `<any-value>` myself, because of the difficult typing it - that's why I'd stuck with strings and colors. The same issue applies for [attr()]( and general tokens are excluded there for the same reason.

A nonsensical example to illustrate this is: `font: 12px if(100vw > 500px, bold, serif) sans-serif`. You can't evaluate any of this at parse time, which is where `calc()` is evaluated. So while I love the concept and the flexibility if offers, it's a totally different mechanism to the "math-like" version of the solution - the only solution I have an opinion on at this point, because it's so simple to do.

Although I did finally think of a useful example - layout dependent background images.
background-image: if(width < 100px, url("small.png"), url("large.png"));

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