Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-images-3] Is "image-rendering: crisp-edges" still worthwhile to keep separate? (#6038)

> Or rather, now that we're making `pixelated` use the "NN to nearest integer multiple, then smooth", maybe we can use `crisp-edges` to mean "strictly NN" rather than introducing a new `nearest-neighbor` keyword.

I'd favor this option, because:
- It happens to be what `-moz-crisp-edges` legacy value does, in Firefox (straightforward nearest-neighbor).
- It concisely expresses what nearest-neighbor actually does (there's no guarantee that pixel sizes will be preserved, but edges will stay crisp; there won't be any fuzzy scaling artifacts).
- It seems like this "crisp" scaling behavior is indeed a behavior that authors do want, whatever it's called (separately from some fancier pixelated scaling behavior), per .
- It's trivial to implement.

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