Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Consider clarifying Highlight system color, and maybe adding a new system color for control background (#6008)

If Firefox aligns with other browsers and makes `Highlight` pale, this will also affect the background color of the selected `<option>` in a listbox-style `<select>`. To keep the right color there, Firefox would need a new system color, which would be exposed to the web. Or, alternatively, Firefox could do what Safari does and paint the selected background for the option *on top* of any author-specified CSS background and not expose its color via `getComputedStyle`. Chrome uses the pale text selection highlight color as the selection background for listbox-style select elements.

 * `data:text/html,<select size="3"><option selected>Option One</option><option>Two</option></select>`

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