Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts] Reduce layout shift via @font-face descriptor(s) overriding inline spacing (#5533)

@chrishtr points out that the use case aimed at is
> […] the use case of reducing layout shift when a web font loads.

@xiaochengh can you clarify the relationship between this proposal and #126, and [for your proposal]( can you confirm that the `advance-override` you're proposing applies to the actual font specified in `src:` of the @font-face when loaded? I assume, to use this for reducing layout-shift and specifying an advance-override for fallback fonts, you would work with `src: local(...)` to refer to local fallback font names, or how would you establish the connection? I assume the intention is not to have the primary font's advances permanently overridden as the end result after all fonts have loaded, but instead only show the condensed/stretched layout temporarily?

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