Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-images] Add easing functions to color stops (#1332)

> It seems like it is very often that not everyone knows exactly what is being proposed since there are three things that are linear about a linear gradient.

That's confused me a number of times, where I wanted to propose a simple `ease-gradient([direction & color stops])` syntax. Then my brain kept on kicking back into gear to remind me that the "linear" in `linear-gradient()` purely refers to the visual shape/direction of the gradient, not how it transitions from color stop to color stop. We can know this because the other existing gradient syntaxes are `repeating-linear-gradient()`, `radial-gradient()`, `repeating-radial-gradient()`, and the ever-elusive `conic-gradient()`—all of which describe the shape/direction of the gradient. :)

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