Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-5] Is color-adjust() needed, now that we have relative color syntax? (#6179)

Indeed, originally (check out the June 2019 F2F minutes) they were meant as alternatives of which we'd only keep one, but the editors have been so far unsuccessful in converging to one of the two. 

Note that your two examples are not equivalent: the adjusters in `color-adjust()` are relative, so `20%` I believe *increases* lightness by 20%, just like `-20%` reduces it. Though that lack of clarity may be another argument against it…

Note that both of these are mid-level (`color-adjust()` being slightly more high level than RCS), and we do eventually need a lower level syntax that will enable use cases like combining channels from different colors etc. Based on the research on Sass usage that I've done for the Almanac (see #5782), it seems that what authors are using in preprocessors are functions to get individual color components (e.g. `lightness($color)`), which seems a good path forwards, though we'd need to prefix them by color space (except `alpha()`).

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