Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] Should interoperability be a goal for the `accent-color` spec? (#5480)

To (re-)clarify the issue up for discussion here:

## A. Should the spec for `accent-color` be **specific** about how it should be used, per control, to ensure better interoperability?
## B. Or should the `accent-color` spec be left mostly up to UAs to decide how/where/whether the specified accent-color value(s) should be used on each control.

Please disregard questions about ***how*** the details of each of the above options are to be specified. Those are ***great*** questions. But we first need to decide the basic structure of this feature, by deciding on A or B.


Side note about issue [5544]( As I read it, that proposal is very definitely a variant of ***B*** above, because it explicitly states this:

> (It would not give absolute control over which part uses which color, but that isn't the design goal: replacing the UA's accent color with the author's accent color while ensuring sufficient contrast for usability is the design goal.)

I'd love to discuss that proposal further, but let's first decide that ***B*** is the right way to go here.


To be very clear, I favor option ***A***. We think developers generally benefit from having unified expectations about behavior across browsers and platforms. Specifying `accent-color` in a way that results in different behavior across browsers will result in more developer frustration, more broken sites, and fewer developers able to reasonably use this feature. Indeed, interoperability was a [top pain point in the 2019 MDN Developer Needs Assessment]( Having said that, I **also** think `accent-color`, in either of the ***A*** or ***B*** forms, is a useful feature. So if the group can't come to consensus around ***A***, I'm ok going with ***B***.

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