Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-logical] Flow-relative syntax for `margin`-like shorthands (#1282)

Logical shorthands really ought to be used by everyone, every time they set up margins, because even if content is  in a horizontal, LTR text flow it may be translated into something else that isn't. I've been thinking how to make it as easy as possible for content authors to switch.

Ideally, we'd just make `margin` adopt logical rather than physical ordering.  However, although it would probably make less breakage than you might expect, it will probably still cause some.  So it would be good to come up with something that is as close to that as possible, and is very simple to type.

Initially, typing 'logical' appealed to me, since it's clear, but then i realised that it positions this approach as the exception, rather than the rule. It's also a pain to type '` logical `' every time you want to define a margin with a shorthand (which for me is much of the time). 

So how about something like creating an `lmargin` property name?  It's 1 extra character only. Maybe that's as close as we can get to making this painless for content authors to adopt?

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