Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transforms] Error in description of transform in Section 3 example 5 (#4767)

Moreover, this seems to be incorrect:

> Each \<transform-function\> can get represented by a corresponding 4x4 matrix. To map a point from the coordinate space of the \<div\> box to the coordinate space of the parent element, these transforms get multiplied in the reverse order:
> 1. The rotation matrix gets post-multiplied by the scale matrix.
> 2. The result of the previous multiplication is then post-multiplied by the translation matrix to create the accumulated transformation matrix.
> 3. Finally, the point to map gets pre-multiplied with the accumulated transformation matrix.

As far as I understand, it means that the resulting formula of the above procedure is:

p<sub>_parent_</sub> = M<sub>_rotation_</sub> × M<sub>_scale_</sub>× M<sub>_translation_</sub> × p<sub>_local_</sub>

But the rest of the specification and the Example 1 in particular seems to imply that the formula actually is:

p<sub>_parent_</sub> = M<sub>_translation_</sub> × M<sub>_scale_</sub>× M<sub>_rotation_</sub> × p<sub>_local_</sub>

Am I getting something wrong or is the example really incorrect?

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