Re: [csswg-drafts] Revisiting standardization of the `zoom` property (#5623)

> One item of particular note is that Gecko does not implement zoom (see There are unique challenges given that authors have used a -moz-transform: scale(n) fallback in the absence of zoom. Additionally, I believe there were attempts to implement zoom in terms of transforms but that was not sufficient to alleviate compat concerns.

For reference that's The main idea behind that was to keep sites that used stuff like:

  zoom: 2;
  -moz-transform-origin: 0 0;
  -moz-transform: scale(2);

basically keep working. My gut feeling is that to implement `zoom` in any other way  we'd have to drop `-moz-` prefixed transforms at the same time (which is extra risk). It mostly worked, but the main issue is that stuff that used `zoom: 1` and transforms, which then resets the transform-origin and messes up, see which is what made me turn it off.

Another quirk that you don't learn until you try that is that `zoom: 0` ends up having to mean `zoom: 1` for compat reasons... yay :/

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