Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-shapes] Find a way to create a polygon with rounded-corners and non-absolute coordinates (#5674)

For what it's worth, I'd prefer to keep the [SVG `d` attribute syntax]( with case-sensitive single-letter commands for verbatim dumps into `path(<string>)` and define the more CSSish keyword syntax as a new type, e.g.:

~~~~ ebnf
<complex-shape> ::= shape( [
    [[horizontal|vertical] [to|by] <<length-percentage>>+] |
    [[move|line] [to|by] <coordinate-pair>+] |
    [qurve [to|by] [<coordinate-pair> [via <coordinate-pair>]?]+] |
    [curve [to|by] [<coordinate-pair> [via <coordinate-pair>{1,2}]?]+] |
    [arc [to|by] [<coordinate-pair> [at <<length-percentage>>{1,2}] <<angle>>? large-arc? sweep?]+] |
  ]# );

<coordinate-pair> ::= <<length-percentage>>{2};

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