Re: [csswg-drafts] [selectors-4]Why "Pseudo-elements cannot be represented by the matches-any pseudo-class"? (#2284)

Rethinking the "nature" of pseudo-elements in terms of selector syntax (#5676), a new way to resolve the contradiction came to my mind...

> the descendant combinator (at least in its current whitespace form) _can't_ play with this new chained-combinators feature, or else `.foo > .bar` would suddenly start interpreting as three combinators in a row

What if we declare the whitespaces around combinators other than `::` the optional part of these combinators themselves (i.e., the `>` combinator would be defined as `/\s*\>\s*/` in RegExp terms, and so on, with only `::` remaining `/::/` for compat reasons)?

This change seems to make all the examples above unambiguous and retaining their current meaning: e.g. ` > ` will always remain a single combinator regardless the number of whitespaces around it (unless these whitespaces are separated by an explicit `*`), while ` > ::` will be parsed a sequence of two combinators, ` >` and `::`, leading to insertion of the implicit `*` (by the new rule).

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