Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-3] Segment Break Transformation Rules around CJK Punctuation (#5086)

> The rule I wrote is "… 

Ah, thanks, I missed it.

> And that makes semantic linefeeds (mentioned by @xfq) impossible.

I think easy-to-predict is more important than semantic linefeeds. IIRC @r12a said that we should expect authors to change line breaking to disambiguate, and that may require line breaking at where authors may not feel natural. I agree with that.

The semantic line feed is great if we can get perfect on that. Authors will not need to know any rules, just write text with line break at arbitrary points, and CSS is smart to handle it. We know it's technically not possible, and we have to rely on authors to disambiguate.

In that circumstance, I think easy-to-predict is more important than making it a little smarter.

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Received on Friday, 22 May 2020 04:54:16 UTC