Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-4] Specify that hyphens triggered by soft hyphens follow the hyphenate-limit-* rules (#5090)

> Do you mean: if the author has inserted soft-hyphens into a word, that those soft-hyphens shouldn't be used as hyphenation points if they would violate the limits created by the hyphenate-limit-lines and hyphenate-limit-last properties?

Yes. Thanks for rephrasing.

> If so, I think that's what the specification is already saying. Those two properties simply talk about limits on hyphenation - there's no distinction made about why the hyphenation occurred.

Yeah, that's right. But as long as the other property has this note, you could interpret this to mean that this only applies to automatic hyphenation.

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Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 21:21:07 UTC