Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-cascade-4] Revert at computed-value time (#4155)

@andruud I think I agree with you that revert-at-computation-time is a rather novel concept that can pose challenge if applied everywhere, but it's not unheard of. My understanding is that the forced-colors specification only requires such reverting to apply for a handful properties, and those don't trigger the kind of complicated situations you seem worried of here. 

As mentioned in the discussion today, this is pretty similar to how browsers already have to remember an additional "color as if :visited didn't exist" for many of these properties. My understanding of this, and how I recall it has been implemented in the past, is that for a handful of properties like color/background-color, a second field is added to the element styles that only considers rules in the user agent stylesheet; and those additional fields can be used to revert values at computed time easily, just by switching to the other backing field on demand. That doesn't seem to be a complicated solution to me.

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Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 16:40:26 UTC