Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transitions]/[css-animations] Proposal: Allow velocity values for transition-duration and animation-duration (#5091)

You seem to assume that only lengths can be interpolated non-discretely. But you can also interpolate `<number>`, `<percentage>`, `<frequency>`, or even repeatable lists:

#grid {
  display: grid;
  animation: anim 1s;
@keyframes anim {
  from { grid-template-columns: 0px 100px }
  to { grid-template-columns: 200px 50px }

the 1st track changes with an average velocity of `200px/1s`, while for the 2nd track it's `-50px/1s`.
How does this fit into your proposal?

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Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 13:25:08 UTC