Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Do gradients/animations using lab/lch colors interpolate in the Lab colorspace? (#4647)


I thought we had decided that premultiplied alpha was a mistake and we should've just handled `transparent` specially? Now we want to repeat this?

Ok, here's an idea: Perhaps we should just define chroma and hue as undefined, NaN (or some other special value) when L=0 or L=100, and say that when interpolating between a defined and an undefined value, we get the defined value throughout? Because that's basically what's happening here and if I'm not mistaken, this shall give us the desired result in every case.

@eeeps Thanks, that's quite illuminating. What app is this?

I can see the problem with the discontinuity, but I'm not sure about handling it. How close is close enough? It's a bit of a slippery slope (literally!)

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