Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-writing-modes] 1. addition of "writing-mode:upright-tb;" and "text-orientation: upwards;" 2. "HORIZONTAL-IN-VERTICAL TEXT" in this (#4921)

As shows, it isn't just a trick to rotate the entire page (if it were, we could have dealt with it using

I guess one of the questions this raises, and for which the Japanese government likely provides no guidance, is what happens if you throw Arabic in there: do you get the same effect as if it was set with vertical-rl / upright, rotated, or do you get normal horizontal rtl arabic, and therefore bidi. I suspect that if we do it using `text-orientation: forced-sideways`, then you'd likely get the former, but since `text-orientation` applies to inlines, you could set different values on different runs of text, and get the later.

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Received on Friday, 26 June 2020 00:25:26 UTC