Re: [csswg-drafts] Interoperable font metrics (#4792)

There is another use case that would I think be solved by the proposal in this issue: matching fallback font metrics to emulate a web font, so as to minimize layout shift during page load. See [here]( for one example; this can currently be combined with font face observation [script libraries]( to dynamically update styles to remove the overrides. If we also add a descriptor such as:

letter-spacing-override: 1.1

(Which would make spacing 10% bigger) then we can also solve that use case, and avoid the use of these scripts. Using these scripts effectively is quite difficult since the script would have to be loaded extremely early in the page lifecycle. For that reason I think most sites don't use these libraries, even though they might improve page load UX.

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Received on Thursday, 23 July 2020 22:31:56 UTC